IECHost GUI client version 3.8.9 released

Version 3.8.9 of the IECHost GUI client is now available within my Software page. Binaries are available for Windows, macOS (Intel), Linux x86_64 and armv7l.

This is a minor update for a few enhancements and bug fixes. Details of the changes are available through the issue tracker.

IECHost Client: macOS Monterey by Luigi Di Fraia

IECHost Client: macOS Monterey

C64 Raster Effect Editor version 1.4.0 released

Version 1.4.0 of the C64 Raster Effect Editor is now available within my Software page.

This version:

  • includes a macOS binary (provided on a best-effort basis),
  • includes a few improvements,
  • adds an extra palette (CCS64) for data interchange with legacy tools,
  • updates Exomizer to version 3.1.1,
  • adds the option to export a project to a PNG image (useful for uploading a screenshot to CSDb),
  • adds the option to re-encode MC graphics, which might result in better compression ratios.
C64 Raster Effect Editor on macOS: The Red Comet Is Upon You by Titus75

C64 Raster Effect Editor on macOS: The Red Comet Is Upon You by Titus75

A few updates

I made portable Windows packages for TAPClean FE and the DC2N4-LC multithreaded GUI client available within my Software page.

I also removed DC2N2 and C2NEmu from my Sales page. The reason is that these projects are quite old. Therefore building and supporting them further is something I would not be keen on.
If you have seen them in my Hardware page and wish to acquire one, feel free to get in touch using my Contact form: I shall evaluate each case based on individual circumstances.