More software updates

Version 1.1.2 of the C64 Pic Extender is now available within my Software page.

This is a minor update for a few enhancements. Here’s what’s been changed:

  • Added support for “Attribute Byte Format” in order to preserve individual colors when importing sprites from Sprite Pad (use the Preferences menu to activate)
  • Accept Koala Painter images even if they load at non-conventional addresses ($2000 or $4000)

Version 1.4.2 of C64 Raster Effect Editor is now available within my Software page.

This one too is a minor update. Here’s what’s been changed:

  • Accept Koala Painter images even if they load at non-conventional addresses ($2000 or $4000)

The DC2N4-LC command-line client has been replaced by the DC2N4-LC command-line utilities. The latter re-implements the former’s functionality using my most recent development framework.

Finally, the Commodore 64 Cartridge Dumper command-line client is now referred to as Commodore 64 Cartridge Dumper utilities.